150 sqm Residential Farm For Sale in Silang Cavite
- For Sale Residential Farm
- 150 sqm.
- Silang Cavite

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- Price per sqm: ₱ 5,800/sqm
- Lot Type: Residential Farm
- Lot Area in sqm: 150 sqm.
Soon to Rise Residential Farm Lot
Located at Brgy Balite 2nd Silang
Near Acienda Silang Outlet
Near Aguinaldo Hiway
Tagaytay Weather
Very accessible
5800 per sqm inner lot
6200 per sqm corner lot
Lot size 150 sqm to 250 sqm
Cash or Installment
10,000 reservation fee
24% Downpayment
76% balance 2 years to pay 0% interest
3-5yrs with interest
Avail 10% discounts on Cash and outright down payment!
Sample computation
Option 1: Cash
Lot area:150sqm
Price per sqm:5800
Total contract price:870,000
Less 10% discounts 7 days upon reservation:87,000
Net TcP:773,000
Option 2: Outright down payment
24% down payment:208,800
Less 10% discounts 7 days upon reservation :20,880
Net dp:177,920
76% balance:661,200
2yrs:27,550-0 interest
3yrs:23,247.79-with interest
5yrs:16,080.38-with interest
Option 3:Staggard Down payment
3months to pay down payment
For more info and schedule of site visit
Call or text Contact the Seller
Accredited Sales Person
Prc and Dshud Registered
#lotonly #lotforsale #farmlot #residentialfarmlot #installmentlot
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Frequently asked questions about 150 sqm Residential Farm For Sale in Silang Cavite
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 5,396 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 174K
Where is the property located?The property is located in Silang, Cavite. You can view more Lots, Lands, and Farms for sale in Silang, Cavite on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to Erwin on this page. Erwin will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about affordable lot for sale silang caviteIf you are looking for more information about affordable lot for sale silang cavite, you can check affordable lot for sale silang cavite from this page.