204 sqm Subdivision Lot Sale in Woodridge Concepcion Marikina (2023)
- For Sale Residential Lot
- 204 sqm.
- Marikina

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- Price per sqm: ₱ 46,500/sqm
- Project: Woodridge Heights Concepcion Marikina
- Lot Type: Residential
- Lot Area in sqm: 204 sqm.
- Basketball court
- Club house
- Swimming pool
WOODRIDGE HEIGHTS Concepcion Marikina
Views of the river and the mountains may be seen from Woodridge Heights, which was designed to take advantage of the natural splendor of the surrounding region. The gentle afternoon breezes from the hills combine with the cool winds from the riverside, and then they blow through the neighborhood.
Take advantage of the opportunity to live close to almost everything. The location of Woodridge Heights in Malanday, Marikina City, which is in a valley surrounded by mountain ranges and cut through by a river, is advantageous both in terms of location and the natural beauty of the area. It is located only a few minutes away from prestigious schools and universities, as well as banks, hospitals, commercial hubs, and dining establishments.
It is also planned for Woodridge Heights to establish a substantial commercial core within the region. Commercial lots in the development will be available for use as locations for retail shops, offices, and food outlets.
Notable Places of Interest near Woodridge Heights Marikina
Less than 1 Km away from ACROPOLIS LOYOLA – a new Subdivision of the same developer Sta Lucia Land which is selling at Php 80,000/sqm to 100,000 per sqm range
3.6 kms away from Ateneo de Manila University Katipunan
3.7 kms away from Mirriam College
7.4 kms away from UP Diliman
4.7 kms away from UP Town Center Mall
7.4 kms away from Commonwealth Ave.
8.9 kms away from Eastwood City Libis via C5
The amenities available to residents of Woodridge Heights, include:
Entry statement along main access road
Entrance gate and guardhouse
Perimeter fence
Tennis court
Basketball court
Swimming pool
Wide concrete road network
Paved sidewalks with concrete curbs and gutters
Centralized interrelated water system
Underground drainage system
Meralco electrical system
Section 1 - Block 1 – 5.................31,500 per sqm with lot areas 204 sqm up to 332 sqm
Blocks 16, 17, 21 .........................46,500 per sqm with lot areas 204 sqm up to 521 sqm
TERMS of Payment
20% Required Downpayment with 10% discount if paid in 7 days
80% Balance payable up to 10 years thru Inhouse Financing
Lot Area – 204 sqm
Price/sqm – 46,500
Total Contract Price...........9,486,000
20% Downpayment............1,897,200
Less 10% Disc in 7 days..........189,720
Less PAID Reservation.............50,000
Net Downpayment.............1,657,480
80% Balance.......................7,588,800
Monthly Amortization
Option A – 5 yrs to pay
1rst year NO INTEREST.....................126,480
2nd-5th yr with 14% interest............165,900
Option C – 10 yrs to pay
1rst year NO INTEREST........................63,240
2nd-10th yr with 14% interest.............111,558
CLOSING FEES............539,516
Monthly Amortization
If payable in 5 yrs.........8,992
If payable in 10 yrs.......4,496
• Photocopy of 2 unexpired Government issued Ids like Passport, Drivers License, PRC ID, SSS ID, etc
• Photocopy of Marriage Contract if married , or photocopy of Birth Certificate if Single.
• Two original Proof of Billing like Meralco, PLDT bill, Water Bill or other Utility bill.
• Xerox copy of TIN ID
• Special Power of Attorney, if Buyer is abroad
NOTE on Filipino buyer with Foreigner Spouse
A Natural born filipino now married to a foreigner can still acquire property, a separate documment needed to be signed as additional requirement
NOTE on Natural Born Filipinos who have already acquired Foreign Citizenship
A Natural born Filipino/s who already acquired foreign citizenship who wish to acquire property in the philippines can still do so subject to the provisions of BP 185
Additional documents needed to be signed as part of documentations
Contact me Here - gonzales168 at yahoo com
richardbroker net
• • / Tara Gonzales
PRC License no. 3718
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Frequently asked questions about 204 sqm Subdivision Lot Sale in Woodridge Concepcion Marikina (2023)
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 58,835 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 1.90M
Where is the property located?The property is located in Marikina, Metro Manila. You can view more Lots, Lands, and Farms for sale in Marikina, Metro Manila on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to Broker on this page. Broker will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about concepcion subdivisionIf you are looking for more information about concepcion subdivision, you can check concepcion subdivision from this page.