- For Sale Single Attached House
- 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 78 sqm.
- Lipa Batangas

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- House Type: Single Attached House
- Number of Bedrooms: 3 bedrooms
- Number of Bathrooms: 2 bathrooms
- House Floor Area in sqm: 78 sqm.
3 bedrooms Ready For Occupancy, 140sqm LOT AREA. Neviare Subd.
📍Brgy. Antipolo Del Norte Lipa City
Near: Mediatrix Church
Lot area:140 sqm
House features: COMPLETE turn over, Near entrance💓
●3 bedrooms
●2 toilet and bath
●living dining and kitchen area
●provision carport
💕25,000 reservation fee
💕10% downpayment payable 6 to 24months
💌For more details, reservation and viewing kindly message me at ** Contact the Seller ** on my Viber or Whatsapp • •.
#houseandlotlipa #singleattachedhouseandlotlipa #singleattachedRFOLipa #RFOLipa #3bedroomsRFOLipa #NeviareSubdLipa #CalmarlandHouseandlotLipa #RFOAntipolodelNorteLipa #RFONearLipaProper #nearMediatrixChurchPropertyLipa
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Frequently asked questions about 3 bedrooms READY FOR OCCUPANCY LIPA CITY, NEVIARE 140sqm Lot area
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 26,050 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 840K
Where is the property located?The property is located in Lipa, Batangas. You can view more Houses and Lots for sale in Lipa, Batangas on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to Abegail on this page. Abegail will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about neviare subdivision lipa cityIf you are looking for more information about neviare subdivision lipa city, you can check neviare subdivision lipa city from this page.