Corner House Overlooking Mountain at Filinvest II Batasan Hills
- For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
- 5 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 900 sqm.
- Quezon City

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- House Type: Single Detached House
- Number of Bedrooms: 5 bedrooms
- Number of Bathrooms: 7 bathrooms
- House Floor Area in sqm: 900 sqm.
- Property Condition: Pre-Owned / 2nd Hand
Corner House Overlooking Marikina Valley Filinvest II Batasan Hills
🔥🔥🔥58M ONLY negotiable
✅Along main street and near gate
✅Floor Area 900+sqm Lot Area 600+sqm
✅5BR 7TB
✅8 Car Garage
✅Expansive deck with beautiful views
✅Wide Frontage
✅Swimming Pool
✅Big kitchen (both main and auxiliary) and big utility area
360 Virtual Tour and specific property details are available upon request and registration.👇
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Property/Viewing Coordinator
Contact the Seller
Tanya Pamela C. Caronongan-Viado ( On leave)
PRC Lic 0021623
Deal with licensed real estate practitioners. Do not be an accomplice. Do not be a victim.
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Frequently asked questions about Corner House Overlooking Mountain at Filinvest II Batasan Hills
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 359,738 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 11.6M
Where is the property located?The property is located in Quezon City / QC, Metro Manila. You can view more Houses and Lots for sale in Quezon City / QC, Metro Manila on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to Willem on this page. Willem will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about corner house quezon cityIf you are looking for more information about corner house quezon city, you can check corner house quezon city from this page.