Idesia House And Lot For Sale Dasmarinas Cavite
Frequently asked questions about idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite
Where can I find more properties related to idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas caviteIf you are interested to receive more properties related to idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite, you can join OnePropertee's Buyer Assistance program and we will send you details of the properties as they become available.
How many properties are available related to idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite?As of now, there are 118 properties that are related to idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite that you can find on
What is the estimated price range of properties related to idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite?We estimate the price range for idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite to be around ₱ 3.00M - ₱ 9.30M
Review of idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite?You can find reviews of idesia house and lot for sale dasmarinas cavite here.
IDESIA in Dasmariñas Cavite - Property for Sale
For more than two decades, P.A. Properties and Development Corporation has been giving Filipinos various, affordable opportunities to own their dream homes. In Japan, Hankyu Realty Co., Ltd of the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc. has been building beautiful and picturesque developments along the railway lines for over 50 years.
Idesia is the beautiful offspring of this joint venture between P.A. Properties and Hankyu Hanshin. It takes the expertise of the Japanese in quality living and harmonizes it with the elevated sense of community of the Filipinos.
The results are homes made of the highest quality within a friendly and familiar community that's ideal for the Filipino family.
IDESIA Dasmariñas
Masterfully planned and carefully designed, this 11-hectare development in the scenic Dasmarinas, Cavite is a great place where Filipino families can have quality living and nurture a deep sense of community.
IDESIA Heights
It's where warmth and exclusivity live in harmony. It's where you can find everything you've ever wanted in a community - long paths, wide space, green parks, wooden benches. Everyday, you're greeted and welcomed by the bright sun, genuine smiles and a friendly community. It's the exclusive life you've always dreamed of.
A marvelous collaboration from Filipino and Japanese designers, this 11.37-hectare development in the bustling city of Lipa, Batangas offers a community that thrives in safety, security, and accessibility. It is a wonderfully planned architectural feat, where Filipinos can indulge in the ideal way of living.