FAQs on New BIR-Mandated Sales Invoice [May 2024]

Last Updated May 10, 2024

BIR memo: https://www.bir.gov.ph/images/bir_files/internal_communications_1/Full Text RR 2024/RR No.7- 2024.pdf

What changes are being made to the issuance of official receipts?

Starting May 25, 2024, the only valid tax document for VAT purposes will be a proper sales invoice. This means that a proper sales invoice will be issued instead of an official receipt.


Can I still request an official receipt for purchases made after May 25, 2024?

An official sales invoice will be issued instead of an official receipt.


Will there be a delay in processing requests for invoices?

Yes, there will be delays as we await the official sales invoice. We apologize for the inconvenience and will promptly process your requests once the invoices are available.


How should I handle these changes?

Make sure your organization is informed of these changes and prepare them for potential delays in receiving the sales invoices.


Are the official receipts I received before May 25, 2024, still valid?

Official receipts issued before May 25, 2024, remain valid. Starting May 25, 2024, we will issue proper sales invoices in compliance with the new BIR guidelines.


Can I have my official receipt changed to a sales invoice?

If your official receipt was issued before May 25, 2024, you won't need to change it to a sales invoice, as it remains valid. However, any new invoices requested after this date will be provided as proper BIR-compliant sales invoices.