I do not receive any SMS from OnePropertee

Last Updated May 18, 2024

SMS from OnePropertee typically arrives within a minute or two. If you did not receive our SMS after five minutes, follow the instructions below to find our SMS.

SMS can be delayed:

Our SMS can be delayed due to the activity in your Telco. If our SMS is delayed and you have already closed the form for the SMS OTP, you can still use the link included in the SMS. Visiting the link from the SMS is similar to submitting the SMS OTP through the form.

Wrong mobile number:

Please confirm that the mobile number you submitted is correct. Your mobile number is displayed on the same page where you have to input your SMS OTP.

For all users:

  • Check the spam & blocked section of your messaging app and mark our SMS as not spam

    • In Android, tap your account icon in the upper-right corner of your messaging app and tap the Spam & blocked menu item. Look for OnePropertee’s SMS and mark it as Not spam.

    • In iOS, open your Settings app, then tap Messages. Under the SMS section, tap Blocked Contacts, and remove OnePropertee’s sender by swiping left and then tapping Unblock.

  • SMS from OnePropertee are sent through the following sender:

    • OneProprtee

    • OneProp

For logged-in users:

If you do not receive any SMS from OnePropertee, you must check the following:

  • Your mobile number must be a local number from the Philippines and verified. If it is not verified, you will see a Verify your mobile number button on your dashboard.

  • Ensure that you are subscribed to OnePropertee SMS through your SMS Settings.

  • Confirm that the mobile number in your profile is correct.