Lot For Sale near SM Angono, good for Housing or Rest House Devt
- For Sale Residential Lot
- 1,450 sqm.
- Angono Rizal

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- Price per sqm: ₱ 5,517/sqm
- Lot Type: Residential
- Lot Area in sqm: 1,450 sqm.
Lot for Sale:just 3-5mins Drive away from SM Angono
👍P6,000/sqm only
👍Clean title & Updated taxes
👍Within Vicentian Hills Seminary Street,Brgy.San Roque,Angono
👍A condo hotel development is ongoing beside the property!
👍very near Thunderbird & 3-5 mins away from SM Angono
👍Accessible to public transportation
👍May be for housing development!
👍Has access road and flood free!
📌Pls pm for more details
📌I prefer direct buyer but licensed broker/agents are welcome provided will secure a right to sell.Just pm if interested to sell our property
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Frequently asked questions about Lot For Sale near SM Angono, good for Housing or Rest House Devt
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 49,619 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 1.60M
Where is the property located?The property is located in Angono, Rizal. You can view more Lots, Lands, and Farms for sale in Angono, Rizal on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to Theresa on this page. Theresa will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about lot for sale angono rizalIf you are looking for more information about lot for sale angono rizal, you can check lot for sale angono rizal from this page.