- For Sale Foreclosed Townhouse
- 190 sqm.
- Bacoor Cavite

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- House Type: Townhouse
- House Floor Area in sqm: 190 sqm.
- Lot Area in sqm: 195 sqm.
- Property Condition: Foreclosed / Acquired Assets
📌Blk. 9A, L4, Via Veneto St., Ponticelli Gardens, Brgy. Molino
L.A: 195 sqm F.A: 190 sqm
Min. Bid Price: P17,147,000
⚡Payment terms:
🔶 Reservation Fee : Php20,000
🔶 Cash with 5% discount
🔶 Installment: 20% DP , 80% Balance payable up to 15 years maximum with fixed 11% interest rate per annum.
📌Buyers are advised to exercise due diligence on • physical and legal conditions of • properties.
📞 For more info call/text: Jo Miranda - Contact • Seller or Direct message us here on our page. #realestate #RealEstatePhilippines #Foreclosedproperties #foreclosureinvesting #foreclosure #realestateinvestment #realestateinvestor #propertyforsale ##propertyfinder #propertyinvestment #investinrealestate #realestateproperty #HouseandLotforSale #foreclosed #foreclosedhomes #FORECLOSEDPROPERTY #ForeclosedHouseandLot #foreclosedph #foreclosedhouse #realestate #realestateinvestor #elsubastahero #foreclosureinvestmentclubph #bacoorproperties
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Frequently asked questions about PONTICELLI GARDENS TOWNHOUSE in Bacoor, Cavite
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 106,352 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 3.43M
Where is the property located?The property is located in Bacoor, Cavite. You can view more Houses and Lots for sale in Bacoor, Cavite on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to The on this page. The will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about ponticelli gardens for saleIf you are looking for more information about ponticelli gardens for sale, you can check ponticelli gardens for sale from this page.