Quezon City / QC Metro Manila
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Exclusive Subdivision In Quezon City


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Priority Assistance
₱ 168 million (₱ 125,000/sqm)
For Sale Residential Lot
1,341 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 19 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 15.2 million
For Sale Foreclosed Single Attached House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 101 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 1 hour ago
₱ 35.0 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 380 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Mar 3, 12:28 PM
Priority Assistance
₱ 11.0 million (₱ 36,666/sqm)
For Resale Residential Lot
300 sqm.
Fairview Quezon City
Updated 21 hours ago
₱ 3.20 million (₱ 25,806/sqm)
For Resale Residential Lot
124 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Feb 26, 02:04 AM
Priority Assistance
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 28.0 million
For Sale New Townhouse
4 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 242 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 5 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 15.4 million (₱ 35,888/sqm)
For Resale Raw Land
428 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 10 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 68.5 million (₱ 160,000/sqm)
For Resale Residential Lot
428 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 13 hours ago
Priority Assistance
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 23.5 million
For Sale New Townhouse
5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 260 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 3 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 57.2 million
For Sale New Townhouse
5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 451 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 7 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 13.9 million (₱ 34,179/sqm)
For Resale Residential Lot
408 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 11 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 14.6 million (₱ 35,888/sqm)
For Resale Raw Land
408 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 16 hours ago
Priority Assistance
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 32.0 million
For Sale New Townhouse
4 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 318 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 11 hours ago
₱ 9.10 million
For Sale New Single Attached House
4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 100 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Mar 4, 04:29 AM
Priority Assistance
₱ 8.98 million
For Sale Foreclosed Single Attached House
4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 119 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 22 hours ago
Priority Assistance
₱ 36.2 million
For Sale Foreclosed Single Attached House
7 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 588 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 9 hours ago
₱ 6.02 million (₱ 35,000/sqm)
For Sale Residential Lot
172 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Feb 17, 06:37 AM
₱ 11.0 million (₱ 35,830/sqm)
For Sale Residential Lot
307 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Jan 26, 06:08 PM
Priority Assistance
₱ 9.80 million
For Sale New Townhouse
4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 125 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 4 hours ago
₱ 360 million (₱ 150,000/sqm)
For Resale Residential Lot
2,400 sqm.
Quezon City
Posted Feb 22, 03:32 AM
₱ 216 million (₱ 160,000/sqm)
For Resale Residential Lot
1,351 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Feb 20, 02:50 AM
Priority Assistance
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 27.5 million
For Sale New Townhouse
4 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 242 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated 15 hours ago
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 9.00 million
For Sale New Townhouse
3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 141 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Monday 02:26 AM
₱ 190 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 650 sqm.
Quezon City
Updated Mar 5, 02:32 AM
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  • Frequently asked questions about exclusive subdivision in quezon city

    Where can I find more properties related to exclusive subdivision in quezon city

    If you are interested to receive more properties related to exclusive subdivision in quezon city, you can join OnePropertee's Buyer Assistance program and we will send you details of the properties as they become available.

    How many properties are available related to exclusive subdivision in quezon city?
    What is the estimated price range of properties related to exclusive subdivision in quezon city?

    We estimate the price range for exclusive subdivision in quezon city to be around ₱ 3.20M - ₱ 360M

    Review of exclusive subdivision in quezon city?

    You can find reviews of exclusive subdivision in quezon city here.

  • Benefits Associated With an Exclusive Subdivision in Quezon City, Philippines

    When you are looking for a house in the Philippines and want to get exclusive, you should consider buying a house in Quezon City. A house is like a land trust that will allow you to build up to a certain number of houses and allow you to deduct expenses against your house's cost. In this case, the benefit that you will gain will be an exclusive subdivision in the city where you live. If you live in a more crowded area, then you should think about how much it would cost you to buy a house in another area and pay the added taxes that will go with that.

    However, before you buy a house in Quezon City, you should make sure that you know all the benefits that come with it. One benefit is that you are getting a fully developed neighborhood. This means that there are already many businesses and commercial establishments that have opened up, which makes the place a more convenient place to live. Also, it has a very low crime rate, so you do not have to worry about going out to protect yourself when you live in a neighborhood that has high crime rates. All these are advantages, but before you decide to buy a condo in Quezon City, you should take some time to look at the available house options and evaluate them based on your needs and budget.

    If you decide to buy a house in Quezon City, then there are some important factors that you should consider. You need to check if the house you are buying comes with a warranty. It is better to have a warranty that comes with some form of security because this will ensure that your house will continue to be safe and sound for as long as you live in it. Other benefits associated with a house include things like low maintenance costs, which will save you a lot of money compared to paying for a home inspector to inspect your house and fix any problems that may exist.