Warehouse in Bulacan for Sale! Details: 6 Units Warehouse
- For Sale Warehouse
- Santa Maria Bulacan

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- Commercial Type: Warehouse
Warehouse in Bulacan for Sale!
6 Units Warehouse
Lot Area - 10,000sqm
Warehouse - Biggest 1,800 sqm
Price: P250M
Office / Staff House
Fenced and Gated
Newly Built Structure
Sta Maria Bulacan (National Highway)
Viewing by appointment for serious buyers only
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Frequently asked questions about Warehouse in Bulacan for Sale! Details: 6 Units Warehouse
How much is the monthly payment for this property?The monthly payment is ₱ 1,550,597 for 20 years for a downpayment of ₱ 50.0M
Where is the property located?The property is located in Santa Maria, Bulacan. You can view more Commercial and Industrial Properties for sale in Santa Maria, Bulacan on this page
Who can I contact if I am interested with the property?If you are interested with the property or if you need more information, you can leave a message to JK on this page. JK will immediately get back to you after receiving your message.
Where can I find more details about bulacan warehouseIf you are looking for more information about bulacan warehouse, you can check bulacan warehouse from this page.