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Cebu Lapu Lapu 2 Rooms House 2nd House Basak Sudtunggan Lapu Lapu City Cebu Bf Better Living Block 5 Lot 24 Basak Sudtunggan Lapu Lapu Lapu Lapu City
cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city
Priority Assistance
₱ 9.00 million
For Sale New Single Detached House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 96 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 4.25 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Duplex House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 85 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 1.50 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 100 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 5.60 million
For Sale Pre-Owned House and Lot
4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 160 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 18.7 million
For Sale Foreclosed Single Detached House
5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 730 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 5.00 million
For Sale New Townhouse
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 75 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
What properties are you looking for?
Priority Assistance
₱ 12.0 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
4 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 270 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 7.30 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 263 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 4.50 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 56 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 15.0 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 500 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
In Demand
Ready for Occupancy
₱ 1.60 million
For Sale New Rowhouse
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 27 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 6.00 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Duplex House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 100 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 2.80 million
For Sale Townhouse
2 Bedrooms 40 Bathrooms 45 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 9.00 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Attached House
5 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 150 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
In Demand
₱ 1.45 million
For Sale New Duplex House
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 36 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
In Demand
₱ 1.85 million
For Sale Rowhouse
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 30 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 8.50 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 150 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 2.50 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Townhouse
2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 50 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
Priority Assistance
₱ 5.54 million
For Sale New Townhouse
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 88 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 7.04 million
For Sale Single Attached House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 106 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 20.9 million
For Sale Single Detached House
5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 288 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 20.0 million
For Sale Pre-Owned Single Detached House
3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 281 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
In Demand
₱ 20.0 million
For Sale Single Detached House
5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 480 sqm.
Mactan Lapu Lapu Cebu
₱ 3.30 million
For Sale Townhouse
2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 40 sqm.
Lapu Lapu Cebu
327,623 real estate leads and counting
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Frequently asked questions about cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city
Where can I find more properties related to cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu cityIf you are interested to receive more properties related to cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city, you can join OnePropertee's Buyer Assistance program and we will send you details of the properties as they become available.
How many properties are available related to cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city?What is the estimated price range of properties related to cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city?We estimate the price range for cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city to be around ₱ 1.40M - ₱ 21.0M
Review of cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city?You can find reviews of cebu lapu lapu 2 rooms house 2nd house basak sudtunggan lapu lapu city cebu bf better living block 5 lot 24 basak sudtunggan lapu lapu lapu lapu city here.