Easy Home Loan by LANDBANK
Experience Effortless Banking
Easy Home Loan
Easy Home Loan helps you buy or construct your dream house. It also allows existing homeowners to refinance their current and existing home loan from other banks or financing firms or developers' in-house financing.
Eligible Borrowers
Filipino citizens
21 years old (must not be more than 65 years of age upon loan's maturity)
Borrowers who are either gainfully employed or with lawful and profitable business
Loan Purpose
For the purchase of:
Condominium unit
Lot, House and lot
Other residential unit
Construction of a residential building on a lot owned by the borrower
Refinancing of existing housing loan with other banks or financing firms or developers' in-house financing-provided account is in "current status"
Loanable Amount
Minimum of P500,000.00
For Private Applicants:
The borrowing capacity of the individual borrower and his/her spouse (if applicable) shall be based on the 30% of the verified Gross Monthly Income for private applicants gross monthly incomeFor Government Employees:
The borrowing capacity shall be based on the amount as required by GAA, after housing loan amortizationTenor
The loan shall have a maximum term of 20 years, provided the combined age of the borrower and the term loan shall not exceed 65 years
The loan shall be secured by residential/commercial real estate properties acceptable to LANDBANK
Employed individuals:
Personal Information Data Sheet
Certificate of employment
Latest pay slip indicating net take home pay of borrower
Any two of the following latest Billing Statements:
Electric Bill
Phone Bill
Water Bill
Credit Card Bill
TV Subscription Bill
Private individuals owning their business / With established source of income:
Business Registration and Licenses
BIR-stamped Financial Statements and Income Tax Returns for the last three years
Applicable for both employed and private individuals with business
For Condos:
Master Deed of Restriction
Building and Unit Floor Plan
HLURB Permit to Sell
HLURB Locational Clearance
Source: LANDBANK official website.
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