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  • How to Come Up with The Best Gift Ideas?

    How to Come Up with The Best Gift Ideas?

    It’s easy to provide thoughtful gift ideas for Christmas for a family member, friend or special someone if you follow a few basic guidelines, and that is to be simple.

    This concludes the discussion. That’s the essential point.

    You, on the other hand, have been scratching your head and coming up with nothing and are on the verge of just getting a bunch of last-minute gifts. Do not be concerned. We’ve spent days curating this list of Christmas gifts this season for you.

    Here’s how to offer the most thoughtful gift ever for the holidays.

    Again, thinking thoroughly about the recipient is crucial when selecting the perfect gift.

    Tips for Thoughtful Gifts

    Consider how you would feel if you were in their situation. Visualize yourself performing that person on your list’ chores while including the topics that they discuss and dream about, such as:

    • Favourite television show or sports team

    • Hobbies or activities that you like the most

    • A desire for leisure time, time away from work, babysitting, vacations, and a getaway

    • Desire to get things done around the house, complete activities, and order one’s life

    • Cooking, baking, and sharing delicacies with friends and family

    • Mind that’s always on the lookout for new information

    • An item that promotes health

    • Hands and intellect that are both creative

    • Build or repair with zeal

    • Taking pleasure in the serenity

    • Family Time

    • Partying

    As a result, you’ll be more likely to base your gift-giving decisions on their interests rather than what you think would be a wonderful present.

    Here are a few pointers to help you get into the habit of giving thoughtful presents.

    What do they care about the most?

    Each of us values different things, and that is what distinguishes us all.

    How can you offer someone a present if the things they value are intangible? Well, perhaps thinking beyond the wrapped present box is the answer. DIY coupon books, gift cards, annual membership, subscription, holiday trips, even a gift in the form of investment and acts of kindness can turn out to be the most memorable presents and best Christmas gifts they’ve ever gotten.

    What they value is the question.

    • Relationships

    • Outdoors

    • Shopping

    • Socializing

    • Travelling

    How do they spend their time?

    Are they weekend warriors who spend all of their time and money on boats, ATVs, fishing, vacations, gourmet dining, dance clubs, wine tours, thrill-seeking, and travel?

    Are they the kind who is always trying to improve their thinking by watching documentaries? Are they heavy sleepers, savvy shoppers, museum or cinema-goers, reading books, and acquiring new skills?

    Perhaps they like nothing more than spending an afternoon with their family and children at home, baking cookies, having a great meal or a cup of coffee in the middle of the day, playing board games, and watching movies while under thick and cozy blankets. Others, on the other hand, are always couch-surfing, partying, and looking for the next big experience.

    Any of these persons would enjoy a wide range of holiday gifts.

    A good kitchen mixer for aspiring home cooks, a coffee maker for coffee lovers, a family-friendly board game for your children, or a family activity planner are all good ideas and can be added to your gift and shopping list. Another person could appreciate a surprise vacation that has been well prepared.

    One person would enjoy a spontaneous trip with nothing planned ahead of time but a full tank of gas and the question, “East, west, north, or south?”

    What would they do with their leisure time if they had the option? That’s the question you must have an answer to precisely tell what great gift you should have for them.

    What makes them happy?

    Consider what makes them happy.

    When was the last time you saw your loved ones‘ faces light up completely? What makes them laugh, or happy, or romantic, or able to lean back and relax with a sigh of relief?

    Consider these instances, as well as all the things that make them happy:

    • Romantic Gestures

    • Spending time with family/friends

    • Quiet Time

    • Brand new stuff

    • Weekend getaway

    • Extravagant Dinner


    What have you learned now that you’ve given the individual a lot of thought? What can you do to make them feel appreciated and acknowledged? What do they usually think or care about?

    Then tie it in with a great gift. “What can I provide that will address what they care about while also providing what they lack?” is what you should put in some extra effort in answering.

    Family members, friends or co-workers who enjoy downtime and corny jokes, for example, could like receiving a favourite movie or television show coupled with a t-shirt or mug featuring their favourite quotation from the show.

    If they are into tech gifts, you can consider giving them an apple watch or new apple AirPods or any wireless headphones as your Christmas gifts.

    (If you don’t want to buy a DVD, give them the t-shirt and a card asking them over to watch it with you on your streaming device while eating dinner, drinking wine, eating dessert, or watching their favorite movie treat.)

    Other ideas for mindful giving that align with their values and interests include:

    Vacations, beach, hiking, outings, childcare, meet-ups, or even doing Christmas shopping together.

    Adding specialist accessories, tools, utensils, useful devices, upgrades, memberships, subscriptions, gift cards, and other items to their hobbies or interests can be such a great gift.

    Personalized Christmas gifts, homemade goods, DIY coupon books, gift baskets containing “a couple of their favorite things,” and so on are all options for making your own best Christmas gift.

    Finding the perfect gift that they genuinely enjoy but haven’t bought for themselves or aren’t aware of

    There are a plethora of other gift ideas for making the most considerate presents for the people in your life! I hope these holiday season gift ideas have sparked some creativity in you.

    If you’re looking for more particular gift ideas, we’ve compiled a list below.

    Gift Ideas

    We’ve got ten incredibly thoughtful gifts that you can actually wrap and give, as well as an extensive list of creative gift ideas that range from experiences to quirky things you didn’t even know you could give.

    If some of these ideas do not fit onto your shopping list, you can switch them with a different but still relevant item.

    You’ll be able to effortlessly adjust each notion to your special someone, may it be family, children or even in-laws, after you understand the “why” component.

    An Experience to Remember

    The most considerate holiday or Christmas gift isn’t often a physical item. Sometimes, people look for a new and great experience for them to go to.

    • Hiking or backpacking

    • Picnic in the park

    • Zoos, museums, historical sites

    • Concert, theatre, or movie tickets

    Their Favorite Food

    The majority of people have a personal indulgence. For some, coffee is the answer. Others may choose excellent wine, juice, or a freshly baked bagel and croissant from their favourite bakery.

    Get it, whatever their favourite treat is! For many of us, these are items we don’t purchase for ourselves on a regular basis, so receiving them as a gift is not only meaningful but also a rare pleasure.

    A book for a worm

    Nearly anyone who reads books would be glad to receive a best seller book but giving a bookworm his/her most desired book for the longest time is probably the best idea and best gift you can ever come up with.

    About Golden Haven

    Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

    Online Reservation

    Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.

    Join the Golden Haven Community

    Be part of the Golden Haven community today! Visit goldenhaven.com.ph or follow “Golden Haven” on our social media platforms. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Spotify, Tiktok, and Viber. For sales-related inquiries, you may contact (02) 8873-2922 to 23.

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