What are the features of the Leads CRM?

Last Updated Jan 16, 05:52 AM

The Leads CRM is perpetually improving with the help of our valued users. In the meantime, you can use the following features to manage your leads in Leads CRM more efficiently.

  1. You can learn more about the details of the lead by clicking them. On the Lead Details page, you can find the following:

    a. Lead Details card: Displays the details of the leads, including their names and contact details. You can also manage the lead through the More Options drop-down menu below the lead details.

    b. LeadMail Tab: The main communication channel in OnePropertee between sellers and leads is LeadMail. Aside from the discussion between the seller and the lead, the LeadMail tab also displays the properties the lead is interested in.

    c. Lead Activity and Inquiry History Tabs: These record a lead’s preferences and active moments on OnePropertee.

  2. You can reply directly to the lead by clicking the contact details provided by the lead. You have the option to use the following depending on the contact details provided by the lead:

    • LeadMail

    • Email

    • Call, SMS, Viber, or WhatsApp

  3. You can keep track of the progress of a lead by changing their status.

  4. You can also use the following options to manage your leads:

    • Filter your leads by property easily. Just go to the Property filter and type the property title you want to filter with.

    • Date Range filter that lets you add a date range of inquiries of the leads.

    • You can also sort each data column in ascending/descending order.

    • And last but not least, you can sort the leads by last activity, showing you the leads who have been actively looking for properties recently. You can use this feature to reconnect with recently active leads and help them with their real estate needs.