New Clark City- Food Processing Terminal and International Food Market
New Clark City- Food Processing Terminal and International Food Market
Project Description
The New Clark City Food Processing Terminal and International Food Market is envisioned to be a “stock exchange” of fresh produce and processed products. The Project aims to attract investors from the private sector, local government units and other associations and cooperatives to invest in managing storage and other infrastructures and facilities for processing, handling, distribution of agricultural products utilizing integrated research development and technology to be set-up in New Clark City’s agro-industrial zone. The Project will consolidate food supply chain and post-harvest production system (e.g., fruits, vegetables, poultry, and livestock) for Northern and Central Luzon, Metro Manila and even neighboring countries, for a niche market (organic produce, halal-certified goods).
Budget Start Date End Date Status Region
31,300,000,000.00 2017/06/30 2022/05/31 Project Implementation Region III – Central Luzon
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