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  • Ormoc The Economic Hub of Leyte: BRIA Homes affordable house and lot

    BRIA Homes affordable house and lot Ormoc The Economic Hub of Leyte

    Ormoc, the central hub of western Leyte

    Ormoc City, a first class municipality in Leyte, is the second most populous city in the province. Because of this it is widely considered as the economic, educational, transportation, and cultural hub of western Leyte.

    Ormoc as an Economic Hub

    Ormoc City has a huge agricultural sector that supplies some of the province’s produce such as, sugar cane, rice, and pineapple.

    The city also provides a large sector of the country’s power supply through the abundance of its geothermal resources. One of which is the Malitbog Station, the largest geothermal plant in Southeast Asia. Moreover it is also the gateway to the Leyte Industrial Development Estate.

    Ormoc as an Educational Hub

    Ormoc City is western Leyte’s educational hub because of the wide-array of educational institutions students from the area could choose from, be it private or public.

    One of Ormoc’s famous colleges is that of , a private non-sectorian college. The city also has a school for the Chinese, for example Ormoc Se San School.

    Ormoc as a Transportation Hub

    Ormoc City has accessible transportation such as via land, air, and sea. The Port of Ormoc serves as the seaport of the city.

    Likewise the Ormoc airport serves as the city’s air transportation and buses all over the city serve as its main mode of transportation via land.

    Ormoc as a Cultural Hub

    Ormoc City is famous for its colorful and fun-filled festivals. In particular, one of its most famous festival is, a festival celebrated every August to honor bees. Colorful costumes are worn by residents and dance competitions wherein participants imitate the bees’ movement are held.

    With Ormoc as the economic, educational, transportation, and cultural hub of western Leyte, you and your family will surely prosper in this city. This is why Bria brings its affordable homes in Ormoc.

    In BRIA Homes affordable house and lot Ormoc, you can reap the benefits of living in Hermosa plus have a place you can call your own. BRIA Homes Ormoc offers three home models: Elena (36 sqm), Bettina (36 sqm), and Alecza (81 sqm).

    BRIA Homes affordable house and lot is a maverick real estate developer of high quality and affordable homes for Filipino families who aspire to acquire their own homes.

    BRIA Homes is a subsidiary of GOLDEN MV Holdings, Inc., .one of the largest real estate companies in the country. BRIA Homes is primed to bring quality and affordable house and lot packages and condominium units closer to ordinary Filipino families. This is the goal that drives every single employee in the company, for which the ultimate fulfillment is seeing a client happily moving into BRIA’s homes.

    To know more, visit their website at, like and follow “Bria Homes, Inc.” on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Spotify, Viber Community, Telegram Channel, Kakao Talk, LINE and WhatsApp, or call 0939-887-9637.



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